Saturday, July 17, 2010

I'm thinking of starting a secret society.

Okay so I really want to join a secret society for two reasons:

A) It's really cool.
B) I can't figure out how to join an existing secret society because of its secretness.

I have put a lot of thought into how one would go about doing this, and I've decided the best way is to get a bunch of people on board to just start one and figure out what it's all about later. We could maybe discuss things like what it's called, if we're going to have a secret handshake, when we're going to move into the phase where we start causing major carnage a la Project Mayhem, etc. After those kinds of things are set we could maybe figure out what kind of secret society we're going to be. Are we going to be like Skull and Bones? Are we going to wear robes, have orgies, or involve daggers in some respect?

Maybe we'll do this in baby steps. Does anyone have a really cool name we could use?

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